Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I am a little embarrassed about how excited I was about a mall in the last entry. I think this is what happens to you when you go from having so many choices to only one-- choices you didn't used to like become more appealing just for the freedom they represent!

We watched the second Matrix movie the other day, during which the hero is confronted by the idea of whether choice indicated freedom, or only presented options from within the system of control one is trapped within. I think about this system in the process of our move. I wanted to be more independent of the system, and yet when my choices are knocked back, I feel desperate! I am planning on continuing this blog for a while, and these are themes I plan to tease out more during this process.

Here it is the New Year, 2008. Yesterday, I turned my little webcam outside for the first sunny day since we have lived here. We went for a walk in our backyard (complete with woods, creek, horses, and a herd of deer) and marveled at our closeness with nature. This morning, my webcam video kicked on at first light and caught the same old shed as yesterday, but this time with a lovely new year's surprise. It took up something like 50 GB of my computer to make this. Enjoy the video!

This represents about 24 hours (minus night) in 35 seconds.

I didn't raise the screen until about half way through the afternoon, and the cat moved the camera a couple times.

I like the brief moving shadows the most; if you look carefully, you can see the clouds flying by in the distance. The sun sets and you see the two times the car was in the driveway with the headlights on. The sun rises with snow already falling. Then the windows (regular and storm window) started fogging up , so you see me clean it. The rising level of snow is very subtle.

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