Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cherokee Tranding Post, Oklahoma

We took a break at the Cherokee Trading Post. I like to look at Native American crafts at these types of shops. I was disappointed that a lot of the more popular items-- leather goods, small knick-knacks-- were made in China. They did have an amazing selection of Navajo pottery, with bios of the artists who signed them. Out back, there was a pen with three buffalo, a long-horn, and a calf. The biggest buffalo, Bucky, was quite happy to come to the fence and pose for photos.We ended up buying buffalo jerky in the shop. I felt a little guilty, but honestly, it was the best jerky I have had in a while. We got some in Roswell that was the worst I have ever had, so there you go! They also had fudge, which was excellent!

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