Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Really, I am going to make it

I miss my blog. It's so pretty. And nice. Green, and friendly. Right now, it is riddled with days and days of tombstones. That's depressing! I miss carefully plotting the content of these entries. Will I dance for a camera? Record time delayed videos of my hours of working? Will I make drawings based on crazy conversations I over hear? Those were the days, weren't they?

Now I am lucky to plan text. Plain. Boring. Text. And not even interesting narrative text. Just text. Ramblings of a mad man. Most of the text I plan is in my head as I am walking from point A to point B. It never makes it to the computer. (Forget all those times I have used the physical page... the days of the sketchbook diary are far behind me.)

I haven't even called family in a while. They are likely to think I am dead. Again.

At least there is this. My tiny rock thrown up at the tsunami of the fall.

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