Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Video Work in Progress

Today was our first day of shooting for "All Good Things Will Come to You Soon." After months of dreaming, weeks of planning, and days of bossing around interns, the first day of shooting has finally arrived and ended. I would like this piece to be a surprise, so I am not planning on putting clips of work-in-progress, but I would like to comment on thoughts that have come up in this process. First of all, I am collaborating with actors, artists who have certain ideas about things are portrayed, etc. Today, my actor was very young, being directed by my young interns while I oversaw the process and results. The scene is supposed to represent the struggle to create something perfect (perfect for a vision you have, whether clear or not). It is also supposed to represent how this struggle is a life-long quest, as opposed to a foot race.

So the scene depicts a young woman trying to make a drawing. Each drawing isn't quite right, but she is satisfied each is a step toward that goal. I am listening to my assistant direct her, things like, "Look happy about that. Was that a good line? Should that other line be different?" She is looking at the drawing with contentment, every now and then giving a little smile, or biting her lip. That is what acting like an artist should look like, I suppose. That image will read as "real."

When I make work (here and here), I don't seem to have such a face. It is an intent, intense face, mostly with pursed brows, pressed lips, leaning on my hand distraughtly. I never feel that euphoria I suppose everyone imagines artists have... it's hard work. It's draining. It's frustrating. But what else would I do with me time-- what would be the point? I don't know what I would do without it.

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