Sunday, June 1, 2008

Enter Ohio

I am in Cleveland, in a Best Western. It is after midnight. I watched t.v. on the computer, because there were more shows available on the internet than on the antennae-based television in the room. I talked to J earlier via video chat. I'm starting to see how the internet will replace everything-- t.v., radio, phones, commuting. Something as mundane as a road trip seems time consuming, simple, slow. Sure I can listen to a book, and I am making progress towards a destination, but I can't shake the feeling I am not getting anything done. Yes, I know-- getting there is half the fun. That means looking around, stopping at local spots, etc. But all the 'local spots' suddenly look the same. Is this Arby's any different from that one? Is this vine-covered, falling-down barn any different than the one in C'ville, Indiana? True, I saw a beautiful red barn with a purple metal roof today. That may be a bigger statement that Indiana is ready for. But I couldn't get to it to even to a picture for the Internet-- why are there no off-ramps in middle America? How do you get to all those houses? How to the people who live there get to stores, airports, cities? Are they really so self-sufficient that they don't need to??

I smuggled cats into the hotel room. It is harder to do alone than with someone. But they are a comfort. I wish they could be out in the car during the drive, that they enjoyed it more (I mean, they sleep the whole time at home, why is sleeping in the car so distressing to them?).

Anyway, I have nothing terribly witty to say right now. I will try to think of better insights in the morning.

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