Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 22


I'm not sure why my readers didn't point out that the image posted for today (the 22nd of June) was actually an image of the 22nd of NOVEMBER, which, last time I checked, is nothing like June. The sad part of this, is I captured the November image on one of my first shooting trips and mis-named it. As the file wasn't re-checked, I simply marked June 22 off my list and proceeded. I did not start posting until I was "sure" I had two full weeks of images (which I clearly didn't). As this day is also my mother's birthday, I did notice passing that date many times since then, but did not photograph it as I was sure I already had it. Should have, could have, would have. I am re-adding it to the "to do" list (which has only 23 missing entries), but you will not see it again until next year. Sorry.

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