Saturday, June 28, 2008

Work in progress and thoughts on process

I put an image of my sewing, in-progress, on my news page. It has evolved since I designed it, which means it is closer to done than the original plan. Originally, I wanted it to emulate the moral-poem samplers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, but in this ironic, contrary way. The poem I wrote, which I may post later, was a re-imagining of the events surrounding Belle Gunness, but as I completed all my little French knots, and sat back to admire my work, I couldn't help feeling sad for her victims. This is how art evolves: you start with one thing that gets you thinking/making, then you step back and realize, 'that original thing isn't worthy of this thing I want to make,' and you delete it. I started out thinking of this woman who used men for money, then coldly destroyed all the evidence in a dramatic escape (allegedly), but I am not interested in commemorating her violence. I am more interested in the things that hide in the ground, that we walk on but never see, the history that all places have whether they reveal it or not, whether they are good or not. So, the completed piece will be different, and I am hoping to have it finished soon.

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