Monday, June 9, 2008

New title

I have often thought if the minds of men were laid open, we should see but little difference between that of the wise man and that of the fool. There are infinite reveries, numberless extravagancies, and a perpetual train of vanities which pass through both. The great difference is, that the first knows how to pick and cull his thoughts for conversation, by suppressing some, and communicating others ; whereas the other lets them all indifferently fly out in words. This sort of discretion, however has no place in private conversation between intimate friends. On such occasions the wisest men very often talk like the weakest; ffor indeed the talking with a friend is nothing else but thinking aloud. (Joseph Addison, "The Spectator," 1711)
I have been using a "working title" for my photo series for some time now. I basically have been in denial of its flaws, even though every time I say that title, I myself cringe. It's high time I change it. I cannot tell if that makes me wise or the fool to admit I am revising and editing a series in what seems to be such a foundational way, but when it came time to decide today whether or not to put it in print... well, denial can only swim you so far down that river!

That said, the series formerly known as "Retroreflections" is being edited/changed to be "Rapt in Nameless Reverie." Let me know what you think.

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