Thursday, June 19, 2008


Dearest readers,

Some of you may not know this, but I have a 'big' birthday coming tomorrow. Don't drop your laptop to run and get me a card. I understand. You didn't know. But here is a list of goodies that it seems to me a woman of my eminent age might need.

Cool necklaces - I am not much of a jewelry person, but I do like being decorated with conversation pieces.
Sex and the City - from the few episodes I saw, this is the definitive guide to being 30-something. Among other things. Thank goodness I also don't have to deal with dating. And it makes me laugh. That keeps me young. By the way, this is $50 cheaper @ Target!
A facial - I know I don't do this girlly stuff. But maybe I am getting to an age where I need it.
Flash Card Reader - boring but useful. $30 dollar rebate until the end of the month too!
Hasselblad body - This model is about ... 30-something years younger that the one I use.
Wide-angle lens for Hasselblad - cause it's awesome
White-balance filter - I have spent a lot of hours lately doing my white balance. This thingy is supposed to make it so I don't have to!
Southworth and Hawes print - cause it's awesome

That's all for now. I can't really think of anything else. I'm pretty straight forward that way, and most of my toys are expensive. Sorry.

Have a great night.


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